> I don't have to have a moral superiority over the unborn
But you do if you're saying that your life is more valuable than theirs. You said earlier it would have been morally wrong for your mom to kill you after you were born, but you are fine with unborn children getting killed.
> If a fetus is a human being why doesn't the Census count them? If a fetus is a human being why do people say "we have 3 children and one on the way", instead of saying "we have 4 children?"
You're getting into a semantics game. Whether the government or other people count them as humans doesn't make them less human. The government counted blacks as 3/5th of humans, that didn't make them 3/5th of humans. They were 100% human.
> A fetus cannot eat on its own. Cannot speak. Cannot breathe. Cannot think. These are all things human beings can do. You're trying to tell me there's no difference?
You think a 3-month old born baby can speak and feed itself? A fetus is a human being just like you and me, just in a lower stage of development than us.
> Are sperm a form of life? Do you care about the millions of sperm that die when you ejaculate? Do you care about the eggs that are disposed when a woman has her period
Sperm and eggs individually are not human lives. They come together to create human lives.
> Grass can grow. Is that a life? Is each blade of grass a life? Leaves grow. Cancer cells grow. Are they all lives? Does each bacteria in your body that is born lives and dies have a life, as well?
These are not humans.
> I don't care about random people thousands of miles from me getting murdered, not in a way that directly affects my life.
So why should it be illegal then if it doesn't affect you? Why do acts have to directly affect us to care about whether or not they should be legal?
> I'm not sure how slavery comes into what we're supposed to be talking about, there's not much of a correlation between slavery and abortion
There's a big correlation, actually. Women say my body, my choice. Slave owners said my property, my prerogative. But human beings should not be property, and another human life inside of a pregnant woman is not "your body", it's the rights of another human being we're talking about. Slave owners said to non-slave owners "Why should you have an opinion, it doesn't even affect you?. Just like you try to say to me "Why should you get to have an opinion?"
> Why are all human lives valuable? How do you know? Are you suggesting that mass murderers are valuable?
Well, I try not to get into theistic arguments when it comes to abortion but since you asked, I believe human lives are valuable because we are created in God's image. But regardless of that, I think we can both agree that it should be illegal to murder innocent people. I think murderers should lose the right to their lives when they murder other people, which is why I don't call myself pro-life but rather anti-abortion.
> Killing releases endorphins. It's why kids like to stomp on ants. It's why we kill bugs instead of trying to put them outside of our doors.
Humans are not ants or bugs. People who get pleasure from murdering are psychopaths.
> why is what women do any of your business, if you're not a woman?
I've said it a million different ways at this point but to put it flatly—Murder is wrong . Saying you have to be a woman to have an opinion on abortion is idiotic. Like I said before, someone getting murdered thousands of miles away might not directly affect you, but it's still wrong.